
The KALW series New Arrivals (a ‘pocket-sized book tour’) aired an audio excerpt from Things I Want Back from You twice, once during Morning Edition and again during All Things Considered. Listen below and read more here! (“Suburban angst and magic cross paths in a cul-de-sac.”)

The San Francisco Chronicle published a profile of me and Things I Want Back from You (online here — the print version will run in the Sunday Datebook July 21). Here’s a picture they ran of me and my favorite squirrel, Ethel Vermin.

Photo: Santiago Mejia/The Chronicle

Rick Kleffel interviewed me for his KSQD radio show and podcast, Narrative Species - It was a great conversation about the collection and writing in general, with a very kind introductory essay that you can read on his site. You can listen to our conversation at the bottom of that page or right here!

For the Largehearted Boy blog, I put together a playlist of music that relates to Things I Want Back from You, with some thoughts about why the songs are appropriate. You can find the writeup about the list here, and preview below or listen to the full Spotify playlist here.

My story “Concessions” is up at The Los Angeles Review!

A wonderful write-up in The Masters Review! Rebecca Paredes calls Things I Want Back from You "compulsively readable... deeply observational... precise, surprising, and off-handedly hilarious."

Selected Shorts performed “The Acorn” on April 27 for broadcast later this year.

“Resurrection Man” in the Summer 2022 Boulevard, (Vol. 37, Nos. 2 & 3) available for sale on their website.

“Sleeping Giants in the Daylight” in print and online with audio, in the Fall issue of The San Franciscan.

“The Acorn” is now up at McSweeney's!

“Your Feedback Is Important” in Alaska Quarterly Review Spring 2021 issue.

“The Acorn” in McSweeney's big 21st anniversary issue, #57.

“Tsunami” in Best Microfiction 2019, edited by Dan Chaon.

“Gustavo and Emiline” inThe Fabulist.

“Search Queries of Visitors Who Landed at the Online Litmag The Big Ugly Review, but Who, We Are Pretty Sure, Were Looking for Something Else” in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #54: The End of Trust, available in print or online; story on page 109.